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Cultured Magazine Interview – Daata Editions

In ABMB, Art Basel, Chloe Wise, Cultured Magazine, Daata, Daata Editions, daataeditions, David Gryn, Lindsay Howard, Uncategorized on 22/02/2016 at 11:15 am

Cultured magazine screenshot


Cultured Magazine – February/March 2016


@davidgryn @lindsayahoward @daataeditions @cultured_mag @sarahgharrelson
LH: What are your priorities when positioning video and digital art for general audiences?
DG: The audience still wants an object to possess; they want to own it, see it and touch it. I specialize in working with film, moving image, video and sound, and have realized that these are similar to any other mediums. They can be shown, observed and collected like anything else. Ultimately it’s about developing ways to convey the artist’s intentions as clearly as possible.
LH: Are there specific strategies that you use to endear the art world to digital work?
DG: I use simple means to convey complicated, emotional or challenging works. I see my role as a conveyor, as being able to organize an exhibition, event or project without making any part too difficult. I want to be able to entice audiences toward a cinema or toward the Internet, which are two of the most natural venues for viewing moving image works. The Internet has evolved into everyone’s natural place for looking at art.
LH: How can we better empower digital artists in the marketplace?
DG: My perspective of the market has been through the lens of curating the moving image program at Art Basel Miami Beach, where I have encouraged gallerists to think about artworks such as video and sound-based pieces that they wouldn’t typically bring to an art fair because they’re difficult to sell. I’m tirelessly thinking about how to advocate for these artists and their galleries, which is what contributed to the development of Daata Editions, an online platform for video, sound and web art editions. My hope is that this will encourage more competition in the marketplace. Ideally, I would like to see galleries making their artists’ moving image work available online and do more with these works at art fairs. The inherent issue that we currently have is that the art world is led by the marketplace through art fairs and auction houses. I would like to see museums, institutions and galleries reclaim their power over what artworks and artists are most influential.
—Lindsay Howard


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